Hi there, my name is Lola Kittinger and I am the owner, founder and executive chef of Lola’s Cupcakes. My journey began when I was very young, baking the holiday pies for my family. Everyone always requested Lola’s Pies!!! I have always had an interest in baking. I always dreamed of going to culinary school, being on The Food Network Channel and someday opening up a shop. I remember in the 3rd (lol or 4th) grade we had to do a, “How To” presentation. Can you guess what mine was on? You guessed it… “How to bake the perfect Peanut Butter Cookie”! It was a blast and sealed the deal for me, I knew this is what I was going to do when I grew up. I even applied a couple of times to go to Culinary Schools, but due to lack of funding I decided to start with me. Yep… I wanted to tackle the task of making my own 4 -tier wedding cake. With help from my future grandfather, (who was in fact a pastry chef himself… cool huh)! He showed me how to pipe my first buttercream rose and other trade secrets. My cake was a beautiful and tasty success.
Two years later I did it!!! I enrolled in The Art Institute of San Bernadino pastry school. It was like a dream come true, I was so happy be there. Unfortunately, I was already pregnant at the time and it turned out to be an extremely difficult one, so I was unable to finish. I wasn’t going to let this stop me! I was determined to not give up on my dream. So I began an internship with Sweet Layers Bakery. This is where I was able to focus on cake decorating and learn skills which I utilize today in my business.
Since then my business has blossomed, I have several orders every weekend and couldn’t be happier. I am so passionate about what I do and I am so blessed to be able to work from home while raising my three children, coaching soccer, and being an active member on the PTA board.
My dreams haven’t changed, I still cant wait to open a store front and share my passion for all things sweet with my community (and maybe even one day all of California, or the World)!!! I want to be surrounded by cakes and cupcakes of every size, shape, flavor and color, as well as lots of other delicious and beautiful baked goodies. As for now I am loving all the custom orders I receive that keep me busy pushing me closer to my goal. I’m so looking forward to making you the cakes, cupcakes and treats you are looking for.
-XO Lola